Friday, July 13, 2012

Never Will I Ever...

Wow, so I've been MIA for a hot minute...and I apologize for that. I've been super busy taking care of a baby that doesn't care to sleep. *sigh* Which makes for a very sleepy and not so all together mama. But now that I have a free minute, I decided that I would update my blog that hasn't been updated in *gulp* a little over 3 months! :O

Not too much has changed, hubs is still defending our freedom down range, I'm still a mom, and Briley is still a baby. Albeit a very quickly growing baby. I can't believe that she is almost 6 months old already. Where the hell has time gone? In the very quickly passing last few months, I've learned so much about becoming a mother and even about doing those things you swore you'd never do.

*Now just a little note for the next section: we are all different people, and that being said we are all different parents and out parenting styles are different. I do what I do to raise Briley because she is my child and what I've found she likes and works. So obviously you can agree or disagree, and you are free to do so, if you disagree just be respectful about it if you decide to voice your opinion.*

Before I actually held Briley in my arms I, like many parents, started listing off things that I swore that I'd never do. And again, like many parents, started doing those things left and right as long as they kept my baby calm and helped her sleep. I always swore that I never would have my baby sleep in my bed, let alone in my room; yup you guessed it, scratch that one off the list. I have had Briley sleeping in my room since night one and I wouldn't have it any other way. I love having her so close to me, and it is SUPER convenient considering she is exclusively breastfed. When she started her sleep regression and decided that sleeping was so no fun, it was also the best to be able to pull her into bed with me and let her sleep with me. There are so many people that are against co-sleeping for many reasons and I respect that, but I personally love it. Briley will only be littlr once and I take every chance I get to snuggle with her. And for those of you who are saying, "Don't! She will get used to it, then she will only sleep with you." She sleeps just fine on her own in her own bed for night time and for naps. The co-sleep cuddling is for me, not her. Whenever she wakes up in the night, we co-sleep for about 30 minutes and she will go back to her bed. Works like a charm.

Something else that I swore that I never would do was cloth diapers (will be referred to as CD). I told myself that it wouldn't be worth the hassle. We really wouldn't be saving that much money. That I was never going to be able to do the laundry every third day or so. I would never put my hands near a CD full of poop. I would never like them any more than disposable diapers.  Well now I am eating my words. I LOVE my CD. I have been able to keep up with the laundry (which is not bad by the way) and I like them so much more than disposables. A box of size 2 Pampers (my preferred brand)diapers today costs $49.99 for 200 diapers. I change Briley an average of 7-8 times a day. So you do the math, and those diapers will last me maybe 25 days, so less than a month. I spent around $200 total on my CD and all the stuff to go along with them; I will be using them until Briley is potty trained and for my next children as well. Money saver? Hell yes! Not to mention that the patterns are absolutely adorable! Needless to say, I love my CD.

I think that there are many more things that I am currently doing that I swore I'd never do, and I'm sure that there will be another post about them. But alas, my child awakens, motherhood calls...and I should be updating more frequently again.

Also, any ideas for future posts? ;)

1 comment:

  1. Love this! I was JUST starting my post for tomorrow Letter R for Rules. its right along with what I was writing. Its so funny how we come up with all these "nos!" while preggo and then reality hits.

    LOVE it!

    Post ideas - good question. how about where you see Briley in 10 years? o yourself?


Let me know how I'm doing :)