Is anyone else a fanatic about the Olympics like I am? Or should I ask, is anyone else as sad about the Olympics being over as I am?
I am a FREAK for the Olympics! As in, I recorded all of the televised events to watch at my own disposal while avoiding Facebook updates, search engine spoilers, and even the news so that I wouldn't ruin my own Olympic experience. I have an Olympics bracelet, and I even changed my ringtone to the Olympic fanfare. I did say freak right? ;) I love watching all the different events and cheering for the US athlete or the underdog. I hate that they only come around every 4 years. WHY do they have to be so far apart?!
I love so many of the events. My favorites have to be the events that involve the pool or any gymnastics! They are so much fun to watch and I get very into them; I normally end up jumping and yelling and screaming at the TV trying to cheer on the athlete. This year I really got into the "random" events such as rythmic gymnastics, trampoline, synchronized swimming, and indoor cycling. I never realized how much training, practice, and effort go into the events that go so unrecognized. For instance, have you seen the throws in synchro? The team launches a member into the air while they stack up and can't touch the bottom of the pool! Talk about strength! And rythmic gymnastics, have you ever seen someone so stinking flexible?! If you didn't get a chance to see these events I suggest that you google or youtube them; I promise you won't be disappointed.
Another great aspect of the Olympics that I love is that the entire country comes together to root for our team. It seems that for two short weeks we can forget about the little problems in our life and watch in wonder and amazement at how the human body can be trained to perform. After emursing myself in the games for 2 weeks, I have decided that when Briley is 3, she needs to pick a sport to start. :) So maybe you'll see her in the 2028 Olympics!
So tell me, what were your favorite parts of the Olympics? :)
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