Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Long time, no post!

Hey y'all!!

    Sorry it's been so long since I've posted last, but I guess that having a baby does that to you! ;) First of all Happy Valentine's Day (or if you're bitter and hate this day, then Happy Single Awareness Day to you!)! I hope that you get to spend the day with the one or ones that you love most.
   Most people are stuck in the mind set that Valentine's Day is the one day a year when you show that special someone that you love exactly how much you love them. I think Adam Sandler said it, or tweeted it rather, best; he said "those of you guys who are only treating your lady like a queen one day a year are failing the other 364". I think that this is one of the smartest things that he's ever said (now if you've seen Adam Sandler's movies, you know what I'm talking about). Now not that it just applies to men treating their ladies, but also to the ladies treating their men. I think the mind set that we show our love on only one day a year is the most ridiculous thing I've ever heard.
   Now guys, I'm not saying that you have to come home everyday with a fresh boquet of flowers for your lady (or ladies slaving over the stove to cook his favorite meals everyday); but for me it's the little things that say "I love you" the loudest and the things that you may want to try everyday. For example, when my hubby does the little things for me like load and unload the dishwasher without me mentioning it, or bringing down the laundry hamper and getting the first load of laundry started. To me, these are the biggest expressions of love because Brian knows that he is helping me out. And I know that Brian loves it when I massage his scalp when we lay on the couch, or when I rub his back before he drifts off to sleep, and the greatest thing when I stop by the class six and pick up a six pack and put it in the fridge just because.
   So I think that love needs to be shown everyday, not always in grand gestures, but in the little things. Because if we are just waiting around for that one day a year, should our better half sit around and wait for us? <3
My Little Valentine <3

Thursday, February 2, 2012


Today life taught me another lesson: that life is short. You only have a certain time on the earth, and you don't know when your time is up. You need to live your life the best way that you know how and tell those that you love how much they mean to you. I love my family so much and I don't know what I would do without any of them.

Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Sleep? What is this sleep you speak of?

Well ladies and gentlemen, it's officially been a week since I gave birth to my daughter Briley, and I can't believe how fast the week has flown! Well the days anyway. The nights have been a completely different story. I feel like I gave a birth to an owl instead of a human. I used to love the nights, sleeping as long as I wanted, so long as I didn't have to get up for something in the morning.
Now with a baby, the nights are more dreaded. Briley feels that the night time is the best time to be awake and she should keep mommy awake with her. I mean hell, as far as she is concerned if she's awake then the rest of the world should party with her! ;) Don't get me wrong, it's not like she just doesn't sleep, it's just that the sleeping periods are short and broken up. Add that with a seriously paranoid mommy and you can just kiss sleep good-bye.

Now for those of you that have never had a newborn let me give you a little run down of a mock
schedule of my night time:

7:00 pm- eat dinner
8:00 pm- feed and change Briley
(hopefully she doesn't wake up between these time periods)
11:00 pm- get ready for bed, and take all the stuff I need upstairs for Briley and feed her before *hopefully* falling alseep
12:00 am- actually falling asleep
(hopefully not waking up to random crying or cooing)
3:00 am- feed and change Briley
(hopefully not waking up to random crying or cooing)
5-6 am- feed and change Briley

And from there I try to fall back asleep until she wakes up for the day, well technically her "night". ;) And I do try to nap when she naps, however with 2 dogs and a cat and being on a schedule for the past 22 years of sleeping during the night, it's hard to break that habit. So like I said, sleep? What is this sleep you speak of? I'm sure that one day, hopefully in the not to far future I will get to know this sleep again.