Thursday, March 27, 2014

Duh, D is for....


What else could D possibly even be? Just as any young girl who grew up in Florida, the heart land of Disney World, I was obsessed with Disney movies. I've seen almost every one and I know a ridiculous amount of trivia. And let's face it, they are pretty much the best things that have ever happened to childhood. I bet you can go through all the Disney movies and find at least one that you love.

I mean, come on! They are amazing. And I believe that we 20 somethings and early 30 somethings grew up with the best ones. You know you still remember your favorite songs! Think of all the crap that goes on in our world daily, movies are our little break from reality. Some suck, while others expand your imagination. Disney has always taught us that a little fun, imagination, (and always) a song makes any situation better. What can be better than that? That's right, nothing.

Honestly think about it, think of your childhood; what were a few of your favorite movies? And you still remember lines or songs from those movies don't you? Hakuna matata ringing any bells? Or the beginning of The Lion King? Ahhhhhhhhhhhh ze lennnnnnnnnnya! Adda meeeeta ta baahhhhh! I love most all of Disney's melodious creations, but some of my favorite songs while growing up were:
"Part of your World" - The Little Mermaid
"I Will Show you the World"- Aladdin
"Paint with All the Colors of the Wind" - Pocahontas
"Hakuna Matata"- The Lion King
"Tale as Old as Time"- Beauty and the Beast
The Tarzan soundtrack
"Hawaiian Rollercoaster Ride"- Lilo and Stitch

And some of the newest additions are "Dig A Little Deeper" from The Princess and the Frog, "Have a Dream" from Tangled, the soundtrack to Brave, and ALL the songs from Frozen.

But they are seriously awesome-sauce. And damn those movies for always making me cry. And I feel they are just getting worse! (Up anyone? I still cry every time.) But what are your favorite Disney movies? Which ones can you just watch over and over again?

I think the best part of loving Disney, is being able to introduce them to my children and relive it through them. Frozen was Briley's first movie in theatres and she was in love with it. It melts my heart every time to watch and listen to B sing "Let it Go". I think we have a long future of Disney ahead of us, and I can tell you that I'm not angry about it at all. :)

Monday, March 24, 2014

C is for Compassion

WARNING...sorry this post kind of became a rant...

Webster's dictionary defines compassion as a feeling of deep sympathy and sorrow for another who is stricken by misfortune, accompanied by a strong desire to alleviate the suffering.

It's sad that when a person goes out of their way to help another it has to become a huge news story or go viral on the web for it to mean anything to the public. What the hell ever happened to people just wanting to be a nice to others? Didn't everyone learn the good old fashioned golden rule? Treat others as how you want to be treated. Today this world lacks so much compassion it's not even funny. How hard is it to be kind to someone when they are down? Would you want someone to rub salt in your wound? No? Well neither does anyone else.

People that want to take advantage of others seriously make me sick. In today's society people are only focused on what can help them, until they are the ones put in the crappy situation. Honestly, when did it become a bad thing to want to be a better person? Just by taking the time to see someone else's point of view it can make a world of difference. It only takes a minute, and the sad thing is that it seems that in this busy world people don't feel they have that one minute to spare.

I hope that I can instill compassion in my girls. And teach them that feeling compassion for someone is not an act of pity but a feeling to want to help someone and become a better human being. It's the little things that make the world go 'round.

Wednesday, February 12, 2014


Today's post is brought to you by the letter "b". Wow, that was very Sesame Street of me. But seriously, b, and b is for babies and Briley (my B).

You think you know how your life is going to turn out. You make plans, graduate, get married have such and such a job and then have babies. It's funny how life actually pans out compared to your plans.

I wasn't sure when I wanted to have children, when I was in college it was the furthest think from my mind. But when I met my husband and I knew he was the one, I realized that I wanted children much sooner than I thought.

I always knew that I wanted to be a mother; and with that being said, my babies are the easiest and hardest decision that I've ever made in my life. When you become a parent you are making the decision to always put yourself last. And, real talk, sometimes it is really REALLY hard. Seriously. When your baby is hungry, you feed them first. When your baby is tired you put them to sleep first. When your baby wakes up in the middle of the night, so do you to care for them, no matter how tired or sleep deprived you are. YOU end up changing your schedule and life to accommodate your baby. Some days you don't get to put real clothes on, much less run a brush through your hair, and you have some form of smeg smeared all over your shirt. But when your babies smile at you, or fall asleep on your chest it makes all the other stuff melt away.

I know that when Briley came along my world was changed forever. She made me understand the true meaning of love and wanting everything for your child. She taught me patience and strength that I didn't know that I had. It also made me realize that I wanted to be the best person that I possibly could for my children.

Children are the best gift that you can be given in the entire world. You truly learn the meaning of love and awe. I am still in awe that I created two perfect beings. They have changed me for nothing but the better. Some days are a blessing, and some make me want to pull my hair out, but all my fellow parents know, we wouldn't change it for the world.

Thursday, February 6, 2014


Today's post is brought to you by the letter "A". And A is for Army. Even though I am not the one in the military my life is still dictated by the Army. They tell us when my husband can use his "vacation time", when we have to pay to get his hair cut (which is every two weeks by the way!), when to donate money, and etc. Being a military spouse is not for the weak, gold diggers, glory hounds, or the plain ol' un-flexible. My husband doesn't have set work hours, he doesn't work a 9 to 5, he normally works a 5 to 6 (am to pm that is). Sometimes we don't get to see him for a few days at a time, sometimes a few weeks, being an infantryman his schedule never seems to be the same. My girls don't see him but a few hours a day during the work week. And of course it sucks when he is away from us, but we couldn't be any more proud of him! Being married to the Army gets quite ridiculous at times to say the least. But over the past 5+ years I have grown accustomed to the said ridiculousness and learned some key lessons along the way.

I've learned many things from the good ol' US Army, mainly the 82nd Airborne (all the way!):
Never write your plans in pen, always in pencil. They will change. And then change again.
When something starts at a specific time, always be 15 minutes early, even though you will be waiting at least 30 minutes for the event to begin.
Expect to buy replacements of things, multiple replacements of things.
Plan to have an extra closet, or a whole storage unit, dedicated just to all that ACU or multicam crap.
Always wash uniforms in their own loads because if you wash something else with them, it will become a causality of that funky smell.
You learn many terms, acronyms, and sayings that make no sense to you, you will know that you've officially become a military spouse when you begin to use them.
Making a meal that can easily be reheated will become second nature. (Side note: they don't care if it's cold anyways)
Some wives wear their husband's rank; why? I don't know, they sure as hell didn't earn it, and it will make you want to donkey punch them in the throat.

But in all seriousness, I love my husband and I am so proud of the soldier he is. We have met so many amazing people, seen many things, and have had great opportunities. And I'm sure that there are more to come. The Army is our life; we love it, we hate it, but we wouldn't know what to do without it. After all, home is where the Army sends us. <3

Wednesday, February 5, 2014


Well it's quite obvious that I suck at this whole blogging thing. I guess right now life is a little too busy to sit myself down and have a few minutes to type something.

A lot has changed since I last blogged...let's see what all happened, it's now 2014!! [Whoa! Where's my jetpack?! ;)]  I am now a mother to TWO of the most amazingly beautiful girls in the entire world: Briley Elizabeth and Kyla Everly. Kyla was born on Oct 15th, 2013; she had a very dramatic entrance into the world, but that is a story for another time. We spent the holidays as a family of four. B turned two just a few weeks ago. Brian and I are on a "lifestyle change" (mostly because I LOATHE the word diet, it's a bad 4- letter word!) And we are currently waiting on my husband's orders to drill school and then we will be moving in a few months. Did I get everything? Yup, I think I did.

Life has been a little crazy lately with having two under two. I feel like somedays I don't even get a second to think of things that I need to get done, let alone actually do them. I consider the day a real success if I manage to get a pair of real pants on. Ah, the life of a mother, eh? Maybe naptimes can beome blog time? We will just have to see! ;) I think I will start to make my posts as alphabetical posts and go letter by letter, Seasame Street style! So the next post you will read will be brought to you by the letter "A". Well my household is asleep, I guess that's my cue to follow.

Night world!