Saturday, January 14, 2012

A picture is worth a thousand words...

So today was my maternity photo shoot and needless to say I was nervous. I'm not one that likes to have my picture taken normally but add a belly, growing boobs, and a level of uncomfort that I've never been on before and you can say that I was down right dreading it. Luckily I had my best friend Sierra taking my pictures, and because she knows me so well she already knew how I was going to be. (By the way go like her page on Facebook: Sierra Ritchie Photography.)

At first I wasn't sure where or what I wanted for my pictures, but after a few simple poses my hubby and I got into it a little more and the ideas and such started flowing. Sierra starting giving more direction and the shoot started to form itself. :) You could say that we all got a little more into it and we had a great time walking downtown and finding interesting spots to take pictures. I loved the simplicity of the poses and the shots that we took and I'm really hoping that they turn out half as good as I think they will. :)

After a great afternoon of taking pictures, I am definitely excited to get them back after Sierra finishes editing and going through them. I just hope that I get a little sneak preview before she puts them up on Facebook. ;)

Now that we have officially taken the maternity pictures this little baby can decide to grace us with it's presence whenever it's little heart desires. (And for this mommy's sake, I hope that it's sooner than later!!)

1 comment:

  1. Baby Dutton, lets GOOOOOOOO!!!! Your long distance aunt can't wait to meet you!!!!!!!!!!!


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